About Us
The Nottingham City Business Club (NCBC) was founded in 1924; J G McMeeking was its first president.
The original aims of the NCBC were to discuss all matters pertaining to the business and social interests of its members and to arrange fortnightly luncheons, at which prominent men and members would speak on matters of commercial interest. The Club’s regular venue was the Mikado CafĂ©. The inaugural luncheon was addressed by Mr J Taylor, President of the Glasgow City Business Club, who spoke of America’s increasing economic influence. Since then the club has hosted a number of influential speakers, including Eleanor Roosevelt.
Over the years, the Nottingham City Business Club has involved itself in many activities, but its enduring attraction has been it’s Friday lunch meetings which have featured celebrated international, national and local speakers. The Club is believed to be unique in this country. The Club has been presided over by some of the most eminent and innovative business people of the city, and throughout its life has had a considerable influence upon the development of the City of Nottingham, as we know it today.
The aim of the Nottingham City Business Club is to provide a forum for senior business people who are interested in meeting potential business contacts and hearing the views of influential members of government, and the business sector in a social environment.
Annual Key Activities
There are 11 meetings held throughout the year, normally on the third Friday of each month (excluding August). Registration for each event opens at 11.45am, and a two-course lunch is served at 12.30pm. The guest speaker takes to the podium after lunch and the meetings closing between 2.15 pm and 2.30 pm.