Nottingham City Business Club Constitution and Rules
1. NAME – The Club shall be called the Nottingham City Business Club.
2.OBJECTIVES – The main objective of the Club is to seek to improve commercial and professional standards and knowledge, to which end it shall:
(a) Hold meetings and invite speakers to address the Club particularly on matters of commercial and professional interest.
(b) Promote and discuss any matters pertaining to the business and social interests of the Members of the Club and the community.
3. MEMBERSHIP – Membership of the Club is by payment of annual subscription. The admission of new Members shall be at the complete discretion of the Council.
4.APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP – Every application for membership shall be made utilising the club’s website. New applications will be approved by a minimum of three council members.
5. SUBSCRIPTION – The Council shall have the power to levy a subscription on Members at its discretion from time to time. Any Member whose subscription is unpaid for six months after becoming due shall, at the discretion of the Council, be excluded from membership.
6. RESIGNATION – Any Member wishing to resign from the Club shall give one month’s notice thereof, in writing or email, to the Council.
7. ACCOUNTS – The Council shall lay before the Members at each Annual General Meeting a Balance Sheet as at 31 March, together with a revenue Account for the year then ended, duly certified by qualified auditors.
8. CONSTITUTION OF COUNCIL – The Council shall consist of the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Immediate Past President and up to nine other Members. The Council shall have the power to co-opt additional Members as it deems necessary.
9. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS – The President, Vice Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Auditors and Council Members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, The President and Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the proposer, seconder and two Members, Nominees for President and Vice President must indicate their consent in writing or by email. Council Members elected and co-opted shall be eligible for re-election provided that no Member shall serve as President for more than three consecutive years in that capacity and then not again without a break of at least one year.
10. POWERS OF THE COUNCIL – The Council shall have full powers to carry out the business of the Club.
11.CONVENING OF THE COUNCIL – The Council shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary at the request of the President or on notice being given in writing or email by any three Members of the Council.
12. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held before 31 May of each year. The Financial Year shall end on the last day of March.
13. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING – A Special General Meeting may be called by the Honorary Secretary at any time for the disposal of any matter affecting the Club upon the instruction of the President, whom failing, a Vice President or upon requisition, in writing or email to the Honorary Secretary, of any three Members of the Council, or one tenth of the Members of the Club.
14. QUORUM – At all General Meetings, ten Members shall form a quorum.
15. NOTICE OF MEETING – Members shall have such advice written or by email as the Council may appoint of all meetings, and in the case of General Meetings, a clear seven days’ notice, together with an agenda setting out the purpose for which the Meeting has been called.
16. ATTENDANCE – Every Member shall make every effort to attend the Meetings of the Club, and when requested shall notify the Honorary Secretary of his or her inability to be present.
17. REGISTER OF MEMBERS – A register of Members of the Club shall be kept by the Council or any Member nominated by the Council, and it shall be available for inspection by Members at any reasonable time. The Council shall be empowered to expel from the Club any Member whose Membership is deemed undesirable, providing always that at least 75% of the full Council shall be in agreement, and further providing that at least seven days’ notice has been given to such Member prior to the Council Meeting at which that person shall have the opportunity of making written or personal representation.
18. ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION OR RULES – No alteration to the Constitution and Rules may be made unless agreed to by a 75% majority of the Members present in person at a General Meeting of the Club where the convening notice has indicated the alteration proposed.
19. DISSOLUTION – The Council at any time may by resolution dissolve the Club in accordance with its own Rules and Constitution.
20. INTERPRETATION – All references to Council and Officers in these Rules shall be deemed to refer to the Council and Officers of the Nottingham City Business Club.