16 September 2022
Alex Flint
CEO Nottingham BiD
Registration from: 11:45am
Lunch: 12:30pm
In September, Alex Flint joined NCBC to tell us about his plans for the future of our city and his mission to make Nottingham the UK’s lifestyle city of choice.
Like NCBC, Nottingham BID is passionate about our great city. The BID’s team of just 15 people are working hard to build a better Nottingham.
Event Roundup
Alex introduced us to the BID’s five strategic pillars:
- Promoted City
- Managed City
- Independent Nottingham
- Working City
- Green Healthy City
Achievements include the successful delivery of:
City centre promotions through It’s in Nottingham
Nottingham BID is the driving force behind Innovative and creative projects, such as Light Night, Nottingham Art Club, The Big Lunch, Nottinghamshire Pride, Nottingham Ale Trail, Easter and Halloween trails.
The Purple Flag Scheme
Delivered in partnership with the Police, Nottingham City Council, Pub Watch and night-time safety, Purple Flag aims to raise the standard and broaden the appeal of Nottingham city centre in the evening and night-time.
Best Bar None Accreditation
Supported by the Home Office, this accreditation helps customers across Nottingham to identify well-run pubs, bars, clubs, and other businesses that serve alcohol. The BID helps venues meet accreditation requirements for customer safety and welfare, staff training, venue management and customer service.
Safe Space Pledge
Part of the Best Bar None accreditation is the Safe Space Pledge. Developed in partnership by Nottingham BID and the Consent Coalition, the pledge provides eight clear actions and commitments Nottingham venues can take to improve the safety of women and girls within their premises. Every venue must have two people who have been trained to respond and intervene if women feel unsafe in their venue.
Safety of Women at Night (SWaN) training
As part of the Safe Space Pledge project, Nottingham BID and partners offer a free training programme to support businesses in the night-time economy, including entertainment providers, such as cinemas, indoor golf centres, escape room and food and beverage venues, when facing incidents.
Funded by the Nottinghamshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner through the Home Office Safety of Women at Night fund, the training explores harassments and violence to women and girls in the night-time economy, including on public transport. It also provides an overview of how employees can respond in a range of scenarios.
Support for Independents
Nottingham BID ringfences £100K per year to support the city’s independent businesses. On 16th September 2022, a project was launched to bring new colourful life to Bridlesmith Gate. Working with several partners, the BID has funded five artists, including local college students and well-known artists, to install their art on buildings along the street. The BID is encouraging visitors to Bridlesmith Gate to post Instagram photos of the large-scale artworks.
Carbon Literacy project
Working in partnership with Nottingham Trent University, the BID is delivering training to businesses in Nottingham to help them plan to become more sustainable and achieve Carbon Zero in the future.
Future plans
Alex also took us through the BID’s ‘Parklets’ initiative – a concept to create parks around Nottingham. Using a virtual reality platform, Nottingham BID can demonstrate Alex’s vision of what the city could look like when parklets, produced from recycled plastics, are installed.
Take the First Step to Becoming a Greener City | Nottingham BID
To find out more about Nottingham BID, visit www.nottinghambid.com
Event Details
Alex Flint
Returning to his roots: NCBC is excited to welcome CEO Alex Flint, Nottingham BiD to September’s lunch event.
Alex Flint offers a truly impressive set of experiences. From being headhunted back to the UK all the way from Australia to leading the successful project delivery of a £20m leisure centre and a £7m venue based cultural arts centre - his CV really wowed us.
After such a varied career path across leisure, major events, hospitality, retail and live venues, there’s no-onne else we’d prefer to oversee a £1m investment and the work BiD does for our city centre than Alex.
Hear more about the BiD’s vision for Nottingham over the next few years. Alex will share how he aims to build a more economically successful city and help make Nottingham the UK’s lifestyle city of choice.
The Timetable
What to expect...
Arrival at 11:45, sign in and collect your badge before being escorted into the reception area.
Enjoy a bit of opening networking with the other members and guests of the lunch. Drink included.
Sit down for a two course lunch including a starter and a main followed by coffee. After lunch the guest speaker will take to the podium for their speech.
The meeting and lunch is drawn to a close.
Discounted parking is available at St.James NCP. Download the "Park Pass" app, create a profile before you arrive at the car park, use Saver ID PLAZANOTTS, then use the QR code on entry and exit to the car park.
Why join NCBC
Meet potential business contacts
As a member you’ll be invited to a monthly lunch-time event on the third Friday of each month (excluding August) to meet with other members and hear from our guest speaker.
Business opportunities
There are various opportunities to promote your business through word of mouth, our social media channels and also sponsorship.
Additional events
We organise additional events throughout the year giving our members additional opportunities to meet and learn more about what’s happening in Nottingham.
Bookings are closed for this event
Have a look at the other events we have coming up. Click the button below.