17 June 2022
Neil Denny
Registration from: 11:45am
Lunch: 12:30pm
This month, we were joined by Neil Denny who is recognised as an engaging and entertaining speaker and how we can develop our conflict leadership and resolution credentials in all areas of our business.
Event Details
Neil Denny
Conversational Riffs – creating meaning out of conflict
The cost of poorly managed conflict in organisations can be counted in four currencies – money, time, energy and reputation.
At the same time conflict is inevitable but conflict avoidance is not the answer. The challenge for business owners and leaders is to increase their conflict competencies so that they are able to step into the difficult conversations effectively.
Conversational Riffs provides a practical framework helping you recognise destructive conflict patterns and enabling you to choose from a new selection of responses that will dramatically transform dialogue with your suppliers, stakeholders, staff and clients.
Neil Denny is a family law partner with Chattertons Solicitors and is the author of Conversational Riffs; Creating Meaning out of Conflict and also the Collaborative Law Companion. He has spoken across the UK, Europe and North America helping other professionals develop their conflict leadership and resolution credentials and is recognised as an engaging and entertaining speaker.
In the words of one event organiser "Neil was so good we had to turn the lights off to get people to leave." (Richard Hill, Bath) or "Neil is a very eloquent speaker with an authoritative but approachable manner. He was one of the best-received speakers we have had at The Business Club" (Mike Stokes, Lincoln)
The Timetable
What to expect...
Arrival at 11:45, sign in and collect your badge before being escorted into the reception area.
Enjoy a bit of opening networking with the other members and guests of the lunch. Drink included.
Sit down for a two course lunch including a starter and a main followed by coffee. After lunch the guest speaker will take to the podium for their speech.
The meeting and lunch is drawn to a close.
Discounted parking is available at St.James NCP. Download the "Park Pass" app, create a profile before you arrive at the car park, use Saver ID PLAZANOTTS, then use the QR code on entry and exit to the car park.
Why join NCBC
Meet potential business contacts
As a member you’ll be invited to a monthly lunch-time event on the third Friday of each month (excluding August) to meet with other members and hear from our guest speaker.
Business opportunities
There are various opportunities to promote your business through word of mouth, our social media channels and also sponsorship.
Additional events
We organise additional events throughout the year giving our members additional opportunities to meet and learn more about what’s happening in Nottingham.
Bookings are closed for this event
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