19 July 2024

Simon Elmore

The British Transplant Games

Registration from: 11:45am

Lunch: 12:30pm

In July, we were joined by Simon Elmore of The British Transplant Games hosted in Nottingham this year.

Event Roundup

As an advocate and previous participant of the Games, Simon was keen to tell us why we should support this exciting event in our home city.

The Games take place at various venues around the city, including Harvey Haddon, NTU, University of Nottingham and Nottingham Castle. With 2,650 registered participants, of which around 1,000 are transplanted athletes, the Games is more popular than ever in its 46-year history. Twenty-four sports will be played over the four-day event.

The annual Games aim to demonstrate the benefits of transplantation, encouraging transplant patients to regain fitness, whilst increasing public awareness of the need for more people to join the NHS Organ Donation Register and discuss their wishes with their families. The Games also thank and celebrate donor families and the gift of life. The 2024 Games will be held in Nottingham between 1st and 4th August.

How Simon got involved with the games was a truly inspiring story. He shared his emotional and uplifting transplant journey with us. We were both shocked by his near-death experiences from kidney failure and totally in awe of how he has turned his devastating ill health around to live a full, healthy, and active life with two of his own gold medals from the Transplant Games – one for his donor family and one for his mum.

What a speaker? As well as being a key part of the British Transplant Games in Nottingham, Simon works with children through Premier Education UK and is voluntary commercial manager at England Transplant Football Association.

To register as a donor, visit: https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/register-your-decision/

For more information on the Games - https://www.britishtransplantgames.co.uk/


Event Details

Simon Elmore


The British Transplant Games are the flagship project of the charity Transplant Sport and have been in existence for over 40 years when the first “Transplant Olympics” took place in Portsmouth in 1978.

At that time, these Games were an international event and included teams from France, Greece and even the USA.

​Since these early beginnings with competitors, affectionately known as “99 blooming miracles”, the Games have grown and are held every year in different cities throughout the UK.

The Games aim to demonstrate the benefits of transplantation, encouraging transplant patients to regain fitness, whilst increasing public awareness of the need for more people to join the NHS Organ Donation Register and discuss their wishes with their families. They also seek to thank and celebrate donor families and the gift of life. The 2024 Games will be held in Nottingham between 1st and 4th August.

Simon Elmore says:-
“I wake up with a smile everyday, having died 5 times!
The British Transplant Games is the most amazing, heartwarming & life-changing experience you will ever encounter.
Children age 3, adults 80+ and families that have donated a family member's organs at one of the hardest times of their life, now being recognised for the gifts they have given all the people taking part together.
Organ Donation is the priority of the games.
Your support can and will make more dreams come true.
Thank you from the Transplant Family ❤️”
Simon Elmore
Nottingham Team Manager
GB Gold Medalist

The Timetable

What to expect...

Arrival at 11:45, sign in and collect your badge before being escorted into the reception area.

Enjoy a bit of opening networking with the other members and guests of the lunch. Drink included.

Sit down for a two course lunch including a starter and a main followed by coffee. After lunch the guest speaker will take to the podium for their speech.

The meeting and lunch is drawn to a close.

Guests and members are invited to continue their discussions at Saltbox afterwards.

Parking is available at NCP Nottingham Stoney Street.


Why join NCBC

Meet potential business contacts

As a member you’ll be invited to a monthly lunch-time event on the third Friday of each month (excluding August) to meet with other members and hear from our guest speaker.

Business opportunities

There are various opportunities to promote your business through word of mouth, our social media channels and also sponsorship.

Additional events

We organise additional events throughout the year giving our members additional opportunities to meet and learn more about what’s happening in Nottingham.

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