Former senior UK radio executive spoke at recent Nottingham City Business Club event
West Bridgford-born David Lloyd has managed many East Midlands stations and several national radio brands including LBC and Virgin. Now he works as a radio consultant around the world and is also an author of books on radio techniques and on the history of the medium. At the NCBC lunch, David spoke about the business of radio, the consolidation and survival of this medium, its challenges and successes and what the future may hold.
Speaking after the event, David said: “Despite there being a fast-changing media-backdrop, radio remains hugely popular, with nine out of ten adults listening in each week to one of an ever-growing list of stations. I really enjoyed speaking at the club’s event, talking about what makes listeners so fond of radio and how well the industry is poised for the future.”
President of the club, Mark Deakin, added: “David was a great speaker. Our guests found his talk both informative and interesting and he was also very entertaining.”
The club’s next event will take place on Friday 20 April 2018, at the Park Plaza Hotel on Maid Marian Way, in Nottingham and the CEO of Nottingham College, John van de Laarschot, will be the guest speaker at this event.
John was appointed to the CEO role to oversee the merger between Central College Nottingham (CCN) and New College Nottingham (NCN) to create the new Nottingham College – now one of the largest further education colleges in the UK. At the NCBC event he will explain his vision for establishing strong further educational foundations to underpin Nottingham’s future economic wellbeing.
The event begins at 11:45am, with tickets costing £27.50 for members and £39.50 for non members. To book a place, visit the NCBC website: