July 22 lunch – Pamela Wright
At the lunch Pamela provided club members and guests with an update on the economy and the thinking behind recent monetary and financial policy decisions. Pamela also talked about how recent political decisions, especially off the back of the EU referendum result, will have an impact on the future economy.
As Deputy Agent, Pam gathers, analyses and reports on economic intelligence from businesses and other organisations in the East Midlands.
Pamela also has an interest in helping people understand what the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is trying to achieve.
“Pamela is a regular speaker at our events and it was great to welcome her back for an update,” said James Simmonds president of the Nottingham City Business Club. “With her knowledge and experience it was really interesting to hear about the possible impact the EU referendum and other current affairs, could have on our economy.”
Ian Baxter, chairman and founder of Baxter Freight will be the guest speaker at the club’s next lunch taking place on Friday September 16. Ian will tell the story of the twists and turns of his career and explain how all of us can contribute to building a better, more sustainable capitalism in the future.