Vice Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University revealed as Nottingham City Business Club guest speaker
The Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University, Professor Edward Peck, will be addressing diners as guest speaker at Nottingham City Business Club January’s lunch.
The event will take place on Friday 19 January, being the first event of 2018 for the club, at the Park Plaza Hotel in Maid Marian Way, Nottingham.
Edward joined Nottingham Trent University as Vice-Chancellor in August 2014. The university is located across four campuses – the City Campus, Clifton Campus, Brackenhurst Campus and Creative Quarter Campus, and employs around 4,000 staff.
Prior to joining the team at the university, Edward worked at the University of Birmingham as Head of the College of Social Sciences and earlier in his career was a manager in the UK National Health Service, including here in Nottingham. His academic interests encompass public policy and organisational leadership.
As well as being Vice-Chancellor, Edward is currently Treasurer of University Alliance, a mission group of like-minded universities in the UK. He also sits on the D2N2 Local Enterprise Board, the Midlands Engine Executive Board, the board of the Universities and Colleges Employers Association, and that of Notts County Football Club.
The title of his upcoming talk is ‘Developing Skills and Enabling Innovation, since 1843’. He will be speaking about the origins of Nottingham Trent University and the contribution that the university makes to the economic, cultural and civic development of the city.
In addition, he will outline the ways in which the university develops the skills of students and how it supports the innovation of industry, commerce and public services in the city and county.
Speaking ahead of the event, he said: “I am thrilled to be guest speaker at the club’s January event. As Vice-Chancellor of one of the city’s universities, it will be great to share our history as well as plans for the future, including opportunities for local businesses to get involved. I look forward to meeting members of the club and guests at the lunch.”
President of the club, Mark Deakin, added: “We are very pleased that Edward will be joining us at the first event of 2018. We look forward to hearing from him and finding out more about Nottingham Trent University and the great education and learning taking place in the area.”